As amazing as tattoo removal is, you still need a damn good reason to go through with it. With the cost, the time it takes, and the pain and troubles it can cause, there are many good reasons to just leave the tattoo where it is.
However, for many people, the ability to get rid of a certain tattoo represents a chance at redemption. There are tattoos that are so revolting, so upsetting, so regrettable, that they just have to go. Luckily, the scientific community was on hand to make this a possibility.
So, what are the reasons people sign up for tattoo removal? Beyond the fact that they just don’t like it very much – why don’t they like them? What are the nitty-gritty details that give people the conviction to go ahead with the process?
It doesn’t represent who they are anymore
As with fashion, tattoos can come in and out of vogue. The difference is that your old fashion mistakes only show themselves in photos – a tattoo fashion mistake is there for everyone to see on a daily basis. Imagine walking around with a mullet for 30 years. To a certain extent that is how some people grow to feel about their tattoos and for many people it goes past the point of being funny.
Some tattoos are not only unfashionable, but they also represent a time in a person’s life that they might not want to think about. According to one survey, 57% of all people who undergo tattoo removal, do it because the tattoo causes them embarrassment.
It makes total sense, in an ever-changing world of ever-changing sensibilities and personalities, some art does just not stand the test of time. This is not only true artistically, but some tattoos also fail to stand up well for physical reasons as we will get into now…
The Ink isn’t holding up to the test of time
Perhaps the tattoo didn’t stand the test of time, or maybe it was terrible from the minute the needle left the skin. Either way, what have you got? You’ve got an irritating mark on your skin that you can’t get rid of.
When you get a stain on your favorite sweater you might try and persevere with it, wash it out, wear it with a shirt over the top – it’s your favorite sweater so you have to try something right? Eventually though, eventually you just accept your fate and throw the sweater in the trash where it belongs.
Great news, you can now do that with tattoos – the faded, scarred, stretched, deformed tattoos of yesteryear can now be thrown in the trash (hypothetically). Flush that skin stain down the drain and forget about it forevermore.
They’re a bunch of physical reactions the skin can have to tattoos, both in the long term and the short term. Often, it reaches a point where a tattoo no longer looks the way what it was supposed to, it becomes so unsightly that it requires an explanation every time someone looks at.
What was once the latest greatest most exciting piece of art in your life has now become an annoying story that you have to tell people. If that’s the case, then it might be time for the tattoo to go.
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Family Time
There is only one real reason for tattoo removal: you just don’t want it anymore. That’s the master reason, the tree that all the other reasons branch out from.
The “family time” reason grows out of the “doesn’t represent who I am anymore” branch of the tattoo removal reasoning tree. You might still respect your own punk rock/motorcycle gang past, but some of the things that were cool back then are not fit for your children’s eyes today. Or perhaps you are making a sacrifice for a loved one, a compromise that sees your tattoo fading into non-existence.
Having a new family is as good a reason as any to undergo the removal process, and many people this route.
The idea of tattoo removal for the sake of employment is off-putting to some hardcore enthusiasts. To them, it is a form of submission and a case of being inauthentic to your true self.
That is a respectful stance but it is not always as black and white as that. For example, if you have a tattoo you don’t really like that much and it is standing in the way of some amazing career opportunity that you DO really want…it’s a no brainer.
A visible tattoo can still to this day be off-putting for employers so many people might have to consider this option when they become more career-minded.
You Need Some Space
Tattoos Have a certain addictive quality to them. Once a person has made that initial leap of faith the floodgates can open pretty quickly.
First, every major milestone gets a place on the corporal diary, then you start filling in the gaps, before you know it you are absolutely tatted down (I believe that’s the correct terminology). In the thrill and the rush of it all some people actually end up getting tattoos that they aren’t that enamored by. No problem, they can just simply remove it and start again.
I think of all the reasons people get tattoos removed this is probably one of the least common. It is more common to add ink to existing tattoos and make an entirely new picture from it. However, certain people do use tattoo removal as an eraser to clear the page so they can go again. If you have the time money patience and durability then why not? Go for it.
As you can see, there are a few good reasons for undergoing tattoo removal. When you weigh up the pros and cons it is a great opportunity for people to have. Some reasons might seem more crucial but everything here is valid.
This is all based on the master reason – You just don’t want the tattoo anymore! Nothing is more powerful than the master reason so if you have the time and the money then tattoo removal is worth a try.